Green Schools
Scoil Mhuire currently holds 6 Green Flags under the following themes:
- Litter and Waste
- Energy
- Water
- Travel
- Biodiversity
- Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste
Our hard-working Green Schools Committees have worked tirelessly to earn these flags over the past years in order to create and sustain a greener, environmentally-friendly school. We have also looked at how our school has an impact on the local and environments. We have carried out activities such as surveys, spot-checks, campaigns to raise awareness and have held many meetings to decide on actions to be taken which would have a positive impact on our wider world.
Our 'Reduce, not Produce' campaign was launched as part of the Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste theme to investigate how we could reduce the amount of plastic waste being produced in our school through the milk scheme. The Green Schools committee members wrote a letter of concern to the supplier in the hope of finding a better solution to supplying our school milk in individual, single-use plastic bottles. This year, we were delighted to see a change by the supplier from plastic bottles to cardboard milk cartons, which are 100% recyclable. A great example of the power and influence our children have on their world.
Our 7th Green Schools Flag theme is Global Citizenship - Energy. This theme will give the school a chance to maintain and revise our energy use within the school, while taking a step further to investigate how our school's use of energy impacts the wider world.